Hello! I’m Lisa McCorkell.
Data-Driven Technical Project Manager
Collaborating with cross-functional teams on complex technical projects.
Acquaintance with me
I specialize in leading cross-functional teams through the intricate landscape of emerging technologies, and leveraging innovative solutions to tackle complex challenges head-on.
// Project Management // Team Collaboration // Product Development // All Things Data // Technical Initiatives
Personal Case Studies
Data Analysis: It's all in the JOIN
Informative insights cannot be gleaned from one dataset all by iteself.
The magic of data analysis comes from joining multiple datasets on common data columns, known as "join keys" to reveal insights that were impossible to see before the join.
What I Learned from FooBar, Google's Secret Developer Test
I love puzzles: sudoku, cryptoquotes, quordle (wordle's harder cousin), navigating around Washington, DC, and even understanding other people's esoteric python one-liners. Puzzles are fun, but what would it be like to solve the hardest puzzles in the world every day as your actual job?
Case Study: Abide by Constraints and Produce Customer Delight (and Sales)
Constraints are a fact of project management, but customer delight is a goal of product management, as well as necessary for successful sales.
How I worked within various environmental constraints to delight the customers at a the 50th Annual Carnival fundraiser event for a National Green Ribbon School.